In implementation of the 2019 EU directive n.1937, legislative decree n. was issued. 24 of 10 March 2023 concerning the protection of people who report violations of specific legal or social ethical provisions.

Spedipra S.r.l. has equipped itself with a corporate compliance tool (Trusty platform) through which employees, suppliers, customers and external collaborators can report, in a confidential and protected manner, any offenses encountered during their activities.

A manager was identified to examine the reports and was duly appointed and authorised.

The offenses that can be reported to the designated body, with the power of investigation and intervention, are basically:

  • the so-called “predicate crimes” of regulation 231/01 applied by the Company and which represent criminal offenses (fraud, fraud against the State, computer crimes, embezzlement, corporate crimes, corruption, etc.)
  • bad practices that impact the strategic interests of the community (privacy, antitrust, environment)
  • conduct in violation of ethical standards

The law clearly defines the protections for all those who report violations who cannot suffer retaliation of any kind.

Obviously the reports must be documented and have a serious basis in order not to incur, on the contrary, the crime of defamation committed by the reporter in the event of an unfounded or non-existent report.

If you want to proceed with the report, press the button below.